Thursday, October 2, 2008

Here are some photos from various days here in Ukraine. There are several of playing soccer with Elijah and his friends at his orphanage. Other photos of us at Annaleise and Jeremiah's orphanage out at the playground. Couple of funny things: The caregivers at the orphanage really bundle the little kids up. In some of the pictures it is about 60* and the kids are ready for a blizzard!

All of the kids want to play soccer when we show up. It is hard to turn some of them down but you can only have so many on the field...

Pullup bars are everywhere! There are pullup bars at every school and here I am doing pullups at our hotel. Physcial training is very big here. I saw some old time kettlebells in the museum during our tour. They were very strict about no pictures so I didn't get any. It is called "Herehory" sport and is popular. I saw a guy of about 60 years old out on the pullup bars banging out sets of 10.


JGallo said...

Steph and I will continue to pray for a safe and timely return. We can not wait for the next Mexican and Margarita night to learn of your adventure and catch up. Rick I deposited your tuition reimbursement check today. Let us know if you need anything else. Our thoughts and prayers are with you.

Justin and Steph

Connie J said...

Brian and I have been watching your progress...and our prayers are with you all the way! I know you are eager to get home - and we want want to meet the family!

adopting2fromUkraine said...

It is hard to understand the process unless you've gone through it:0

Once you get the passports, though, you are home free! The Embassy stuff is a breeze. Nice change after all the hassles;)

Rick and Melissa Butsko said...

Justin thanks for depositing that check for me. You cannot imagine how good a Mexican dinner would be right now! Stephanie wait until you see these three kids running through your back yard to jump on Cali!

Connie- thanks for the posting, I can't wait to see you when we get back home!

June - Thanks for the encouragement and good news about the American Embassy. It seems as if each step is a large and uncertain undertaking!