Saturday, October 11, 2008

I fixed homemade mac and cheese for our first dinner. It was a disaster! The kids do not like cheese in their noodles! Also, they don't like chocolate chip cookies. For breakfast, we gave them Cocoa-Puffs. What child doesn't like Cocoa-Puffs? We couldn't understand why they wouldn't eat them. The problem was that I got buttermilk instead of regular milk. Nothing is in English, I saw the Ukrainian word for milk, but didn't notice the smaller word underneath!

Here's what we found they like: dried sardine fish and milk soup. These little fish are packaged similar to beef jerky. All three love them! Milk soup is noodles (cooked to death) with warm milk and sugar.

We did make it to McDonald's today. They loved their Happy Meal toys and French fries -- we had to coerce them to eat half their hamburger.

We stopped at a nice park on the way home. They loved playing on the monkey bars and playing tag with dad!


Cindy's family said...

They will soon get used to cocoa puffs and real milk. I've had your mac and cheese and it is pretty good. We'll teach them to like other things like hot dogs and buffalo wings!

I am running for vice president of student council. I had to give a speech yesterday to the whole school (Friday). I wore my James Bond suit and looked pretty good. 5th graders don't usually win but I hope I will.

I can't wait to see you and the kids.

Love, Troy

adopting2fromUkraine said...

I haven't checked your blog in a few days and much has happened!

Congratulations on picking up your children and making it to Kiev! Being in Kiev helps the time pass faster.

We saw dried fish everywhere! I assumed it was a favorite food there, but we never tried it! lol

Our daughter was very picky at first. Only eating things she was familiar with, even until just a few weeks ago. Now, after almost six months home, she will eat anything we eat. It just takes a little time.


Angel said...

I bet all of kids LOVE Happy meal, Guess what? David had happy meal today too. same day as your kids had happy meal. ha...
I don't give David happy meal very often. Most of time I still prefer give him homemade meal.

Rick and Melissa Butsko said...

Troy - we hope you make student council.

June - Being in Kiev does help for sure! The food situation cracked us up. Imagine an American kid saying no to mac and cheese and reaching for a stinky dried sardine instead?

Angel - Did your happy meal cost over $5 like ours did? The good news was it tasted just like home.

patty said...

I'll be waiting to hear that you made it home safe. Life is a big adjustment at first, but all the love and happiness see you thru.

Hoping the planeride home is uneventful! Other than laughing alot....

luv ya all,
cousin Patty

A&W said...

I am happy to hear you all are enjoying time together in Kiev. I'm sure it's a nice transition between the orphanage and Grove City! I hope your trip home is smooth and safe. Thinking of you often....