Friday, September 19, 2008

Elijah loves his new race track. He made sure to show all of his friends what his new momma and papa brought for him. He and Rick are really bonding, you can tell he really wants a father. While showing him our photo album, he asks when he and his brother and sister can come home with us.

We can only spend 1 hour a day with him, but we really enjoy the time we have together. The taxi ride is 25 minutes one way (traveling 90 mph). We pray the entire drive that we make it home safe. We can't help but notice a lot of gravestones and flowers on the side of the road marking automobile deaths. This whole country drives this way!

1 comment:

Cindy's family said...

Great News
Troy's Cub Scout Pack 136 had their annual tag sale at Arts in the Alley this past weekend. When it was over
they let us take whatever we wanted for the kids. Many of the moms of 136 started looking for educational toys
and clothes and boxed them up for us
The outpouring from friends and family has been wonderful. A HUGE thank you to all that have donated helped and prayed to make this happen. Dwight